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Bakerloo Consultation Work

Jonathan has worked on several projects involving the Bakerloo line and has written for a number of magazines on the topic. He has assessed the practical scope for the Bakerloo Line SE extension towards Lewisham on behalf of the Lewisham Council, and published articles and findings, downloadable below:

Lewisham Sustainable Development Select Cttee 27 Sept 2010

JRC presentation to Lewisham SDSC 27 Sept 2010

JRC presentation to Grove Park Residents’ Association 10 Feb 2012

Lewisham Sustainable Development Select Cttee 15 March 2012

JRC presentation to Lewisham SDSC 15 March 2012


Jonathan's published articles include:

Bakerloo Line SE and NW extension options in Modern Railway magazine.

JRC presentation on Bakerloo extension options for the London Underground Railway Society.


You can also read coverage of the Bakerloo extension project which includes critique on Jonathan's work in the following pages: